Let's Make it 10 in 2020! image

Let's Make it 10 in 2020!

Donate today to train the next generation of talented professionals at local community newspapers.

$13,389 raised

$10,000 goal

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

Make your tax-deductible donation by December 31st to ensure the future of Missouri community newspapers!

A new breed of journalists is going to bring in a new breed of readers and advertisers; unfortunately, growing demands on dwindling newspaper budgets make it difficult for community newspapers to bring highly-trained, young and talented professionals to work in our critical industry. Even a few weeks of teaching and learning from the students who are working their way through a higher education program offers the students and staff a unique chance to forge meaningful connections and build a vital infrastructure to ensure the future of newspapers, communities and democracy.